Caterham specialists DPR Motorsport have launched a new ‘at-circuit’ media video centre to allow team drivers racing in the BookaTrack.com Caterham Superlight R300 championship the opportunity to share data and videos through a central media server.
This new facility allows rapid upload of data and videos for all of the DPR team drivers after each on track session. The system allows the videos and data files to be accessed wirelessly from the driver's laptop, PC, Ipad or Iphone.
As part of a pre-race test day at Rockingham, DPR Motorsport's team drivers Mark Shaw and Magd Mohaffel had the opportunity to see how quick and easy it is to share video and data after each test session. Gaining the most from test days is all important as on-track time is always limited.
Systems such as Racelogic’s Video V-Box provide a video record to enable drivers to understand how best to improve lap times and gain those vital hundredths of a second through optimising braking and turning points.
The DPR media centre has been designed to allow rapid uploads of both data and video after completion of each test session. A high speed card reader transfers large amounts of video data through a gigabit capable Ethernet link to the DPR video media centre.
Typically the data transfer will complete within a minute for each driver so even with a team of five drivers, all the videos will be available shortly after the end of the test session. Each driver will be able to access his video and data wirelessly from his personal lap top, Ipad or Iphone.
The driver, together with his coach, is then able to view not only his own data and videos but also compare his own results to those of his fellow team members.
For further information please contact David Rowe on 01306 731752, mobile 07765 252585 or caterham@dpr-motorsport.com