Although the BRSCC Northern Centre were unfortunately limited to just two ‘BRSCC’ meetings this season, both at Cadwell Park in April and June respectively, they did run two further meetings on behalf of the Classic Sports Car Club.
It was at the second of these on Saturday 12th September that the Centre held a BBQ for all the marshals who had volunteered their services throughout the season. The BBQ was also organised as a replacement for the dinner dance which was cancelled at the beginning of the season. The members of the committee decided that such a social occasion was an ideal way of thanking the marshals rather than handing out a gift which would only end up at the bottom of their kit bags. The Committee all worked exceptionally hard in making sure the BBQ was a huge success. Rescue crew chief, Pete Broxup, supplied all the burgers and sausages and other members of the committee organised the drinks. Jo and Chris Coote along with chief marshal of the event, Dean Watson, worked hard to drum up the support an event like this needs, providing shelter in case of the rain. The Northern Centre would also like to thank the Cadwell stalwarts including the Franks family, who cooked and served the endless supply of burgers and sausages. Assistance was also given by the Watson family who helped where necessary. Impromptu assistance was provided by two marshals, Dave Stocker and Bob Brown. Special thanks to the ‘Lotus on track’ group who gave a donation towards the drinks as a thanks to the marshals for all their hard work. The Committee deemed the BBQ to have been a success, as did the 50 or so marshals and officials who attended. Chief Marshal for the BRSCC Northern Centre Dean Watson said, “It was nice to be in a position where we can give marshals something back for their hard work throughout the season for the BRSCC Northern Centre. Without the marshals, the Centre would not function. The BBQ was an ideal way to end the four wheel action at Cadwell Park for 2009”. Marshals voiced their thanks on the motor racing forum, ‘Ten-Tenths’. Stephen Allen said, “How often have you been on post to hear rumblings that ‘they’ never do anything for us. Well they did and great it was to.” David Owen, BMMC NE Chief Marshal commented “Thanks BRSCC for the BBQ, much appreciated.” First time Cadwell Marshal Ann said of the event, “Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome, haven’t had so much fun in ages.” Iain Dunton believes events like this will attract more marshals to the BRSCC meetings next season. He said, “Events like this are what make the marshals feel wanted and appreciated. It definitely sets a standard for all the other clubs, and I shall definitely be attending this meeting next year!” So the BRSCC Northern Centre rounds off another successful year of four wheel racing at Cadwell Park and everyone is looking forward to future meetings at Cadwell in 2010. Next year will also see the annual Dinner Dance and awards ceremony return in March and any interested parties please contact Jo Coote. |