The BRSCC Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 19th April at the Ibis Rugby East Hotel, Crick, Northamptonshire. A transcript of the Chairman’s report follows;

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to our AGM and thank you for taking the time to attend. This time last year I came to you with a report that the Club had made a profit and I’m pleased to announce that we have managed again to return a small profit in the year to December 2010.

I’m pleased to report that the time spent on budgets by the Executive Committee of the Board, and with the full Board’s approval, has returned figures that put us on a firm footing as we enter the 2011 season. This figure was achieved by looking at the Club’s projected income based on reduced grids from 2010. We then looked closely at our projected expenses for the year 2010 and along with the help of our Centres, in keeping costs to a bare minimum without reducing our service; it resulted in the profit shown. I’m grateful to all concerned for this.

We face a difficult year again with the economy uncertain and with a realisation that some members themselves are facing uncertainty in their businesses' which would relegate the importance of motorsport on their list of family finances.

The Board are very much aware that the majority of our members pay for their racing from their own income and that sponsorship is almost non-existent in club racing. With that in mind we organised our calendars to reflect this, and listened to members’ requests and acted upon them. The Club continued also to provide its services as the leading organiser of international events in the UK.

We ran the first meeting on the newly re-designed Silverstone Arena circuit and helped iron out some teething problems, which for the amount of groundwork undertaken, were very few.

Looking forward to 2011, we have been appointed by Silverstone Circuits to be the organisers of the first race meeting to be run out of the new Silverstone race control building – “The Silverstone Wing” – a most impressive building stretching over 200 metres at a cost of over £20m.

This meeting is the FIA GT event for GT1 and GT3 cars on the weekend of 4-5 June and will no doubt be a dry run for this year’s Santander British Grand Prix. Following on in September, we will also be the organiser of the Le Mans series.

We will also continue to work with the SRO Group organising the British F3/GT Championships, which last year faced difficult times in GT terms, but I’m pleased to announce that the grids for this coming weekend’s first race at Oulton Park are showing a marked improvement.

As with every year that passes we are sad to announce friends that have passed away during the previous one and unfortunately this year is no exception. We lost our archivist Martin Hadwen after a long illness and our friend Keith Jones who was not only a personal friend to many of you but a mainstay of the F3/GT package. Both Keith and Martin are sadly missed.

Our involvement and close working relationship with Britcar continues following the appointment of James Tucker to run the British Endurance Championship and we look forward to the 24hr Race this year at the end of September.

I finish my report as usual by thanking Drew Furlong our Competitions Director, the staff at HQ, my fellow directors, particularly the Executive Committee who have burned the midnight oil in putting together the budgets for this coming season, the officials and marshals who appear each weekend and most important of course you, our customers, who are the reason the Club exists.

Ladies and Gentlemen a small profit in 2010 following much behind the scenes work and I’m quietly confident that will see improvements in the UK economy in 2011 that will enable us to continue to provide you with the service you have come to expect.

Our customers are the Club’s most important asset. Without you there would be no reason for the Club to exist and with your support I’m sure we will continue to be the leading organiser of motorsport in the UK.

My duties as Race Director at Monza last weekend for F3 and for a number of international series will again take me overseas on many weekends representing the Club but I’m sure I will also see many of you at circuits around the UK during this coming year.

Finally it would be remiss of me at this point not to pay tribute to someone who would normally attend our AGM. Don Truman has decided to step down from the Midland Committee after serving on both the main board and the Midland Centre Committee. I owe much to Don’s guidance in my earlier days as a Clerk of the Course. His wisdom will, I’m sure, be missed. Thank you Don.

Remember that I am always available for questions from any of our members by either phone or email.

Thank you all once again for taking the time to attend.

Bernard Cottrell – BRSCC Chairman


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