In terms of deciding the best approach in terms of obtaining and running a car, that comes entirely down to personal choice. Some will elect to buy a car and run it themselves as something of an independent entry. Others will look at what established teams and outfits within the championship can do to help them along, be it assisting them in preparing a pre-bought car, building and running a car or full-on arrive and drive services.
TOP TIP – When considering which avenue to take, speak to as many teams as possible. This is something that is vital as it will give you a key understanding of the landscape of the paddock, what each team can offer and how much it will cost. The last thing you want to do is go with the first team you come across, only to find that they’re not the best fit later on down the line. A good way to go about this is to obtain a list of all the teams and outfits that prepare and run cars in your chosen championship and then mark down the parameters that you want to stick to in terms of cost, location, services etc. Then create a table and note down the info provided by each team. Once complete, you can go through the info obtained to find the right team for you. Some of this also boils down to your gut instinct and how well you get on with a team when you first speak to them, so be sure whoever you choose feels right.